4 ways to make 10,000 Naira right now!

Making money is simple but the hard part is making the money you WANT. Are you broke right now and you NEED money? Here is an article on how to make the money you NEED with zero Skill, a mobile phone and internet.

1. Go on YouTube, "search for tutorials on how to use Adobe Photoshop" Watch and replicate the same thing, make 5 designs and tell people that you can teach them how to do those designs for just 1k get 10 people, 10k made!

2. Go on youtube, search for NeilPatel's video on SEO, watch the video and learn how to do it. Teach 10 people for 1k each, 10k made.

Neil patel

3. Still go on youtube, search for Jason Wardrop, watch his tutorials on facebook and Instagram Ads, Teach 10 people how to do it for just 1k each, 10k made.

Jason wardrop

Read also : 10 steps to making money online.

4. Go on youtube, search for WebMonkey, learn his tutorials on designing a WordPress website, teach it to 2 people for 5k each, 10k made!


I think I actually showed you how to make #40,000 right now!

Tags: Money

Author : Kekeocha Justin

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