How to make sales as an online fashion store

Running an online fashion store?
There are basically two ways of making sales.
1. Through referrals.
2. Through basic social media posts (whatsapp and Instagram)
These platforms have massive limitations.

The main limitation is that you are restricted to a certain number of audience. For instance, when using whatsapp statues, only those that have your contact can see your posts.

How sure are you that your contact list is filled with your potential target audience? 

It's just like shooting without aim and hoping it hits your targets.

The word-of-mouth is the biggest and most effective marketing strategy in the world but it has huge limitations.

People only refer you when they feel like doing so,you didn't pay them to market your product. 

They can also tell the story of your product from thier own preference, it might come out from them but without a strong conviction to buy.

Have you thought about the some of the opportunities presented by Facebook and Instagram marketing tools? 

Do you know that you can use the audience insight tool to figure out the number of potential customers you have in a given location, monitor your competitors, monitor the behaviours or your customers? It sounds like magic right? 

With Facebook Pixels, you can know anyone that visits your website, what they did, the products they clicked on, and when they are most likely to visit your page.

This data can help you create ads that will focus on those people and convert them to paying customers. 

Read also : How fashion designers can sell more.

These and many more are some of the things I and my team will be teaching you in a physical training coming up on the 16th of Nov. In Enugu.

This is a guaranteed way to triple your sales and profit this festive period. 

Have you booked your tickets yet? Kindly click on the link


Tags: fashion store,sales

Author : Kekeocha Justin

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