Aquatic Biodiversity by AE Olatunji PDF free download

AE Olatunji Aquatic Biodiversity PDF, was published in 2016 and uploaded for 500-level Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine students of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), offering AFM505 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

Aquatic Biodiversity ebook can be used to learn Aquatic Biodiversity, Aquatic Biodiversity threat aquatic ecosystem, endemic species, habitat loss, Aquatic Pollution, climatic change, Aquatic Biodiversity Monitoring, Aquatic Biodiversity assessment, Total Aquatic Biodiversity-value Index, Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation, Aquatic Biodiversity Management, Vulnerable Trans-Boundary Aquatic System, National Biodiversity Action Plan, Fresh Water Ecosystem, lake, pond, Lotic Streams, Estuarine Ecosystem, metallic pollution, Pesticidal Pollution, Industrial Pollution.

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Books related to Aquatic Biodiversity

Soil and Water Conservation for Productivity and Environmental Protection, 4th edition

Author: Frederick Troeh, Arthur Hobbs, Roy Donahue

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM308

Topics: Soil Conservation, Water Conservation, erosion, Soil Erosion and Civilization, Geologic Erosion, Sedimentation, Landscape Development, rock types, Sedimentary Landforms, Mass Movement Deposits, Glacial Landscapes, Water Erosion, erosion damage, Vegetation, Soil Properties, Soil Erodibility, pollution, Water-Erosion Control, Wind Erosion, wind erosion process, Windbreaks, Shelterbelts, Wind-Erosion Control, Predicting Soil Loss, Tolerable Soil Loss, Universal Soil Loss Equation, Computer-Based Soil Loss Prediction Models, Wind-Erosion Prediction Equation, Wind Erosion Prediction System, Soil Map Unit Interpretations, soil survey, Land Use Planning, managing land, cropping systems, Managing Monocultures, crop rotations, Multiple Cropping, Evaluating Cropping Systems, strip cropping, tillage, Conservation Tillage, deep tillage, Contour Cultivation, Emergency Wind-Erosion Control, Gully-Control Structures, road ditches, culverts, Earthen Dams, Streambank Protection, flood control, Wind Erosion-Control Structures, Pastureland Management, Rangeland Management, Forestland Management, water cycle, drought, Soil Drainage, wetlands, Irrigation, Irrigation Methods, Land Reclamation, Conservation Irrigation, soil pollution, pollutants, industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, aerosols, polluted soil, Hazardous Sites, Soil Remediation, Water Quality, water Pollution, Water acidification, Farm Service Agency

Water Quality Management and Pollution Control

Author: Flora Olaifa

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AFM510

Topics: Water Quality Management, Pollution Control, water bodies physical composition, water chemistry, Nutrient Cycles, water biological characteristics, sampling methods, Water Quality Standards, water pollution control, Water Quality Monitoring, Nitrification, Denitrification, Anaerobic ammonium oxidation, Nitrogen mineralisation, Carbon Cycle, Phosphorus Cycle, Iron Cycle, Silica Cycle, Marine Dead Zones, bacteria, protozoa, Manual Sampling, grab sampling, Integrated sampling, Automatic Sampling, Mechanical Samplers, Physical Habitat Assessments, Turbidity, salinity, Total oxidised nitrogen, Total organic nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl nitrogen


Author: Christian Leveque, Jean-Claude Mounolou

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AFM505

Topics: Biodiversity, genetic diversity, mutation, variation, Hidden genetic diversity, phenotypic identity, speciation, Extinctions, predation, Holling model, Patch dynamics, Spatial heterogeneity, temporal variability, Northern European terrestrial systems, Paleoenvironments, tropical rainforests, biological diversity, Continental aquatic systems, Overexploitation, Land use, Human onchocerciasis, Malaria, Morbilliviruses, Haemorrhagic fever viruses, antibiotic resistance, pesticide resistance, Genetic resources, biotechnology, Transgenesis, Ornamental plants, ornamental animals, ecotourism, National parks, Marine environments, Ex situ conservation, Botanic gardens, Zoological parks, conservation biology, Restoration ecology, species reintroduction

Types and Analysis of Security Threats

Author: Monsuru Adegboyega Kasali

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: CSS244

Topics: Security Threat, Manmade Threats, Information Warfare, Geological Security Threat, Geological Security Threat Hazard, Climatic Security Threat, Climatic Security Hazard, Environmental Security Threat, Environmental Security hazard, Threat Mitigation, risk, Vulnerability, Capacity Assessment, Crime Analysis, Crime Mitigation, Data Mining, Automated Data Analysis, Crime Management

Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics, 2nd edition

Author: Pedro Sanchez

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM501

Topics: soil properties, soil management, tropical environment, temperature, solar radiation, rainfall, tropical climates, vegetation, physiography, Anthropocene, biodiversity, climate change, demographics, Green Revolutions, Tropical Agroecosystems, land use, land-use change, Pedology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Laterite Paradigm, tropical soils, tropical soil research, Soil Taxonomy, soil classification systems, soil physical properties, soil temperature, soil structure, soil compaction, soil water, soil erosion, conservation, conservation agriculture, water, rainfed agriculture, irrigated agriculture, irrigation, mineralogy, clay minerals, mineralogy families, Anion Exchange Capacity, soil acidity capacity, Acid Soil Infertility, Liming, overliming, subsoil acidity, secondary acidity, soil biology, soil biodiversity, comminution, decomposition, nutrient elements transformation, soil structure regulation, organic carbon, carbon pools, carbon fractions, animal manures, composts, biochars, organic farming, soil fertility, nutrient cycling, nutrient uptake, determining fertilizer needs, nitrogen cycle, nitrogen pools, atmospheric deposition, biological nitrogen fixation, mineral fertilizers, organic nitrogen mineralization, soil nitrogen fertilizer reactions, Phosphorus Cycle, Phosphorus, Total Soil Phosphorus, inorganic Phosphorus, Phosphorus sorption, Phosphorus release, plant Phosphorus requirements, Phosphorus fertilization, sulfur cycle, sulfur sorption, Sulphur fertilization, Forest–Soil Nutrient Cycles, land clearing, Mechanized Land Clearing, Crop Yield Declines, Field Abandonment, Secondary Forest Fallows, puddling, flooding, rice cultivation systems, Nutrient Management, Yield Stagnation, Nitrogen Sequestration, Livestock-Based Tropical Systems, tropical pastures, Tropical Livestock Management Systems, pastoralism, Smallholder Mixed Crop–Livestock Systems, Extensive Pasture-Based Beef Production, Pasture Degradation, Crop–Pasture Integration, Tropical Tree-Based Systems, Plantation Forestry, Plantation Forestry Species, Agroforestry, Agroforestry Tree Species, Agroforestry Systems, Simultaneous Agroforestry, Sequential Agroforestry, tree crops

Concrete Technology Theory and Practice, Multicolour Edition

Author: MS Shetty

School: Bayero University, Kano

Department: Engineering

Course Code: CIV5307

Topics: Concrete technology, Cements, Modern cements history, Portland cement manufacturing, Portland cement wet process manufacturing, Portland cement dry process manufacturing, Cement chemical composition, Cements hydration, Heat of hydration, Calcium silicate hydrates, Calcium hydroxide, calcium aluminate hydrates, hydrated cements structure, Water requirement for hydration, Cement types, ASTM cements classification, Ordinary Portland cement, Rapid hardened cement, Extra rapid hardening cement, Portland slag cement, Quick setting cement, super sulphated cement, low heat cement, Portland pozzolana cement, coloured cement, hydrophobic cement, masonry cement, expansive cement, Cement testing, Aggregates, aggregates testing, Aggregates form igneous rock, aggregates from sedimentary rocks, aggregates from metamorphic rock, aggregate crushing value, aggregates impact value, aggregate abrasion value, Deval attrition test, Dorry Abrasion test, Los Angeles test, modulus of elasticity, bulk density, specific gravity, Sieve analysis, Aggregates testing, Water, water qualities, Sea water for mixing concrete, Admixture, construction chemicals, Plasticizers, water reducers, Workability, Plasticizers action, Superplasticizers classification, Factors affecting workability, Superplasticizers types, Fresh concrete, Fresh concrete water content, Fresh concrete mix proportions, Aggregates sizes in fresh concrete, Aggregates shape, Surface texture, Admixture use in fresh concrete, Workability measurement, Slump test, k-slump test, aggregates grading, compacting factor test, flow test, flow table apparatus, vee bee consistometer test, setting of concrete, Manufacture of concrete process, Concrete compaction, Concrete curing, Concrete strength, Water-cement ratio, Strength gaining with age, Concrete maturity concept, Bond strength, High strength concrete, Elasticity, Creep, Shrinkage, Aggregates elastic properties, Modulus of Elasticity, Dynamic modulus of elasticity, Poison's ratio, Creep rheological representation, Creep measurement, Factors affecting creep, Aggregate influence, Mix proportion influence, Shrinkage, Plastic Shrinkage, Drying Shrinkage, Moisture movement, Autogenous Shrinkage, Carbonation shrinkage, Concrete Durability, Strength to Durability relationship, Concrete volume change, Durability definition, durability significance, Permeability, Cement paste permeability, Concrete permeability, Plastic shrinkage cracks, Settlement cracks, Thermal shrinkage, Hardened concrete testing, Concrete mix design, Special concrete, concrete methods

Natural Environment & Animal Production

Author: Isaac Butswat

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP314

Topics: Natural Environment, Animal Production, earth science, environment, geological activity, oceans, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, climate change, atmosphere, atmospheric layers, global warming, climate, weather, life ecosystems, biomes, biogeochemical cycles, wilderness, Environmental degradation, population growth, agriculture, water management, greenhouse gas emission, Gas effect, emissions, pollution, air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, erosion, coastal erosion, glaciers, floods, freezing, thawing, wind erosion, gravitational erosion, exfoliation, soil structure, soil composition, vegetation cover, topography, agricultural practices, deforestation, urbanization, airborne dust pollution, desertification, Stratospheric Ozone, ozone hole, Antarctica Ozone Theory



School: Federal University of Technology, Minna

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: ANB321

Topics: Hydrobiology, LenticHabitat, Limnology, fresh water ecology, littoral zone, lake, lentic communities, lotic habitat, Estuaries, Estuarine nutrient cycling, marine environment, marine organisms

Environmental Impact Assessment

Author: EA Ajoa

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AGR307

Topics: Environmental Impact Assessment, Climate impact assessment, Demographic impact assessment, Development impact assessment, Social impact assessment, Regional Environmental Impact Assessment, Sectoral Environmental Impact Assessment

Principles of Soil Chemistry, 4th Edition

Author: Kim Tan

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM301

Topics: Soil Chemistry, analytical chemistry, geochemistry, Particle Accelerators, Synchrotrons, Stanford Linear Accelerator, Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator, Fermi National Laboratory Accelerator, Brookhaven Realistic Heavy Ion Collider, quarks, leptons, Atomic Numbers, Avogadro’s Number, atomic orbitals, Acid–Base Titrations, Precipitation, Complex Reactions, Chemical Units, Molarity, Molality, Radioactivity, isotopes, mole fractions, Soil Composition, Electrochemical Potentials, carbon dating, Electrochemical Cells, Nernst Equation, Electron Activity, chemical potential, membrane potential, Soil Gas, Oxygen Revolution, soil aeration, soil aerification, Soil Air Quality, Hydrotropism, Hypoxia, soil water chemistry, Oxygen Demand of Water, Total Soil Water Potential, Matric Potential, Pressure Potential, Osmotic Potential, Gravitational Potential, Plant–Soil–Water Energy Relation, water dissociation, Colloidal Chemistry, Colloidal System, soil humus, Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, lipids, Lignins, humic matter, Electron Microscopy, Clay Minerals, Surface Potential, Electric Double Layer, Helmholtz Double-Layer Theory, Gouy–Chapman Double-Layer Theory, Adsorption Isotherms, soil adsorption, water adsorption, Cation Exchange, Cation Exchange Reactions, Cation Exchange Capacity, Langmuir–Vageler Equation, Mono-Divalent Cation Exchange Reaction, Mono-Monovalent Cation Exchange Reaction, Anion Exchange, Phosphate Retention, Phosphate fixation, Phosphate Potential, Soil Reaction, Acid–Base Chemistry, Weathering, Coordination Theory, Complex Formation, chelation, Metal–Organic Complex Reactions, Clay–Organic Compound Complexes

Aquaculture and the Environment, 2nd edition

Author: TVR Pillay

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AFM510

Topics: Aquaculture, Environment, Aquaculture Farms, water quality, Hypernutrification, Eutrophication, siting farms, farm design, Animal Wastes, sewage, Heated-water Effluents, water recycling, Aquaculture Waste Production, Feed-derived Waste Products, Metabolic Waste Products, feed loss, Fertilizer-derived Wastes, Algal Blooms, Bacterial Communities, Polyculture, species diversity, disease transmission, genetic dilution, pathogens, aquaculture products safety, microbial contamination, Organochlorines contamination, environmental Contaminants, trace metals contamination, Economic Sustainability, Aquaculture Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Aquaculture Development Zones, Environmental Impact Assessment, land use, water use, waste treatment

Fisheries Management and Conservation

Author: FE Olaifa

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AFM321

Topics: Fisheries Management, Fisheries Conservation, Fisheries Development, Fisheries Exploitation, Fisheries Administration, Fisheries Management legal framework, Fisheries Management Plan, Fisheries Management Strategy, Fisheries Management Measure, Fisheries Management Systems, Overfishing, Fisheries Enhancement

Soil and Water Management

Author: BB Shani

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM308

Topics: Soil management, Water Management, Soil Conservation Techniques, Water Conservation Techniques, Soil Tillage System, soil erosion, Soil Erodility, soil Erosivity

The Nature and Properties of Soils, Global Edition

Author: Raymond Weil, Nyle Brady

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SLM201

Topics: Soil, rock weathering, soil formation, soil profile, soil classification, soil taxonomy, entisols, inceptisols, andisols, gelisols, histosols, Soil Architecture, soil color, soil texture, soil textural classes, mineral soils structure, tillage, soil density, soil water, soil water energy, soil water content, soil water potential, infiltration, percolation, water vapor movement, hydrologic cycle, soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, enhancing soil drainage, septic tank drain fields, soil aeration, redox potential, wetlands, soil temperature control, soil colloids, layer silicate clay structure, cation exchange capacity, soil acidity, soil ecology, soil organism, earthworms, ants, termites, soil algae, soil fungi, soil prokaryotes, soil organic, soil organic matter management, climate change, soil phosphorus, sulfur oxidation, sulfur retention, soil fertility maintenance, phosphorus cycle, ammonia volatilization, ammonia fixation, sulfur cycle, calcium, magnesium, silicon, trace elements, Practical Nutrient Management, chemical pollution, Geographic Soils Information

Micro Economics

Author: AEM NOUN

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEM751

Topics: Micro Economics, resoruces, scarcity, choice, opportunity cost, economic problems, consumer behavior, cardinal utility analysis, total utility, marginal utility, utility maximization, consumers demand curve, indifference curve analysis, consumer surplus, Law of demand, market demand, supply, supply curves, market supply, Equilibrium Price, equilibrium quantity, market equilibrium, elasticity, supply elasticity, demand elasticity, Cross elasticity, Law of diminishing return, production function, isocosts, producer equilibrium, production possibility curve, Isorevenue line, long run total cost, Long run marginal cost curves, amrket structure, firm, industry, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, Total cost-total revenue analysis, Marginal cost-marginal revenue analysis, pricing, perfect competition

Forages, Volume 2 The Science of Grassland Agriculture, 7th edition

Author: Kenneth Moore, Michael Collins, Jerry Nelson, Daren Redfearn

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: ANP304

Topics: Forages, Grassland Agriculture, grass morphology, legume structure, legume morphology, carbon metabolism, Mineral Nutrient Acquisition, Metabolism, forage ecology, Climate, Climate-Change, Forage Adaptation, Plant Interactions, Plant-Herbivore Interactions, forage species, forbs, forage systems, forage production, forage management, Fertilization, Nutrient Management, Irrigation, Water Management, weed management, insect management, forage improvement, forage breeding, seed production, forage quality, Digestibility, plant chemistry, Predicting Forage Quality, Post-Harvest Physiology, forage harvesting, forage utilization, hay storage, silage production, biomass, pasture management, pasture design, grazing management, Grazing Animal Nutrition, Grazing Animal Behavior, Forage-Induced Animal Disorders, Grazing Systems, grazing strategies

Bio Resources Management

Author: Emem Bassey Inyang, Aniefiok-Uduak Inyang

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AGB404

Topics: biological diversity, ecosystem, Nigerian Ecosystem, Biodiversity, genetic erosion, Plant Biotechnology, Forest Biotechnology, forest Conservation, Germplasm Appropriation, Germplasm Conservations, Bio-resource Management, Biotechnological Legislation

Industrial Marketing

Author: CI Okeke

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Administration, Social and Management science

Course Code: MKT859

Topics: Industrial Marketing, Organizational Buying Process, Industrial Buying Issues, Industrial Marketing, Consumer Marketing, Industrial Customer, Sales Force Management, Industrial Markets, Industrial Products, Communication Management-Forms, Integrated Communication, Distribution Decisions, Industrial Marketing Strategy, Industrial Strategic Marketing Planning

Introductory Microbial Ecology note part

Author: MCB206

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: MCB206

Topics: biosphere, microbial ecology, population, colony, community, ecosystem, ecological niche, micro-environment, energy, nutrient flow, microbial inter-relationship, aquatic habitat, eutrophication, stratification, lake, pond, bio-aerosol, micro-flora, waste management

Mahajan & Gupta Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine ,Fourth Edition

Author: Rabindra Nath Roy, Indranil Saha, MC Gupta, BK Mahajan

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: COM401, COM402, COM403, COM404, COM502, COM5O3, COM504

Topics: Community Medicine, Epidemiological Triad, Epidemiological Wheel, Epidemiological Studies, General Epidemiology, Epidemiological Study, Cohort Study, Therapeutic Trials, Clinical Trials, Ventilation, Air, water, Water Supply, Water Purification, Swimming Pool Hygiene, Housing, soil, Wastes, Refuse Disposal, Excreta Disposal, Sewerage System, Sullage Disposal, Physical Environment, Occupational Health, Physicochemical Agents, Physical Agents, Gastrointestinal Tract, Offensive Trades, offensive Occupations, Occupational Diseases, Occupational Hazards, Occupational Health Legislation, Employees State Insurance Act, Environmental Pollution, Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Radioactive Pollution, Thermal Pollution, Noise Pollution, Biological Environment, Rodents, Arthropods, Insect Control, Social Environment, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology, Social Psychology, Defense Mechanisms, Genetic Constitution, Nutritional Status, Psychological State, Personality, Communicable Diseases, Respiratory Infections, Viral Infections, Bacterial Infections, Water borne Infections, Food-borne Infections, Alimentary borne Infections, Cholera, Diarrhea, Food Poisoning, Enteric Fever, Brucellosis, Bacillary Dysentery, Shigellosis, Amebiasis, Giardiasis, Balantidiasis, Viral Hepatitis, Poliomyelitis, Contact Diseases, leprosy, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Venereal Diseases, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Trachoma, Fungus Infection, Arthropod-borne Diseases, malaria, Filariasis, Arboviruses, Yellow Fever, Chikungunya Fever, dengue, Japanese Encephalitis, Sandfly Fever, Leishmaniasis, Plague, Kyasanur Forest Disease, Epidemic Typhus, Trench Fever, Scrub Typhus, Tsutsugamushi Fever, Tick Typhus, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Relapsing Fever, Noncommunicable Diseases, Food, Nutrition, Biostatistics, Research Methodology, Demography, Vital Statistics, Health Planning, Health Administration, Health Management, Health Economics, Maternal health, Child Health, Family Planning, Population Policy, School Health Services, Geriatrics, Mental Health, International Health, Biomedical Waste Management

Past Questions related to Aquatic Biodiversity


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT308

Topics: fish pond, pond profiling, pond construction, contour pond, barrage pond, oxygen depletion

Principles of aquaculture

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT303

Topics: Aquaculture, Fish production system, fish harvesting, fish stocking, exotic fish species, non-endemic fish species, pond fertilization, pond liming, fish pen, earthen pond, plastic tank


Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT305

Topics: Limnology, lentic aquatic ecosystem, lotic aquatic ecosystem, lake morphology, lake morphometry, dimictic lakes, meromictic lakes, holomictic lakes, polymictic lakes

Soil and water conservation engineering 1

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Engineering

Course Code: SWE403

Topics: Soil conservation engineering, water conservation engineering, site reclamation, Bouyoucos equation, erosion prediction, open channel design, Earth dam, trapezoidal channel, Pond, pond volume, pond capacity, pond diameter, pond depth

Forestry and wildlife land use system

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FWT501

Topics: Land tenure system, land ownership, wildlife policy, critical species, insecure species, extinct species, biodiversity, Nigeria land resources, global warming

Aquaculture engineering and systems

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FAT503

Topics: Aquaculture engineering, ponds, embarkment pond, excavated pond, dam construction, water recirculatory system, water treatment, mechanical filtration, water sterilization, cage culture, cage fish culture

Environmental extension education

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: AEX409

Topics: Environmental extension education, environmental degradation, land fill, conservation, agricultural extension service, terracing, climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, climate change resilience

Diseases and crop assessment

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: CST409

Topics: Diseases incidence, diseases severity, disease rating scale, monocyclic pathogen, polycyclic pathogen, plant disease pandemic, crop damage, yield loss, crop loss assessment

Irrigation, drainage and hydrology 2016, 2017 & 2020

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SST407

Topics: Irrigation, soil drainage, hydrology, agriculture irrigation, irrigation frequency, irrigation methods, drip system irrigation, flood system irrigation, drainage, evapotranspiration, hydrologic equation, precipitation, evaporation, irrigation scheduling, water gain, water loss, water conveyance efficiency, irrigation period, water application efficiency, hydrogeology, marine hydrology


Year: 2019

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: EVT415

Topics: genetic diversity, species diversity, ecosystem diversity, biodiversity, extinction, species management, soil conservation, resources

Soil conservation and geomorphology

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SST507

Topics: Soil conservation, soil geomorphology, accelerated erosion, geologic erosion, universal soil loss equation erodibility, predicting soil erosion, stratigraphy, soil stratigraphy

Forest ecology

Year: 2020

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FWT305

Topics: Forest ecology, Nigeria timber species, forest ecosystem, leaf area index, savanna, ecological zone, vegetation zone, forest programmes, gap dynamics


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: FWT308

Topics: vegetation, tropical, habitat, ecosystem


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine

Course Code: SST302

Topics: soil, soil management, soil productivity, water drainage, irrigation

Tests related to Aquatic Biodiversity

Biology (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: JAMB, UTME, biology, Plant cell, fern, plant biology, nutrition, circulatory system, osmoregulation, ecology, variation, hereditary, gene, chromosome, evolution

Mathematics (JAMB)



Course Code: JAMB

Topics: Mathematics, JAMB, Logarithm, standard form, permutation, combination, number system, set, ratio, indices, factorization, inequality