Basic French Grammar and Composition 2 by Ifeoma Onyemelukwe PDF free download

Ifeoma Onyemelukwe Basic French Grammar and Composition 2 PDF, was published in 2006 and uploaded for 100-level Arts and Humanities students of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), offering FRE102 course. This ebook can be downloaded for FREE online on this page.

Basic French Grammar and Composition 2 ebook can be used to learn French Grammar, French Composition, Répondre Poliment À Une Demande, Inviter Quelqu'un, Donner Des Consignes, Se Déplacer, Exprimer Une Possibilité, Faire Du Sport, Exprimer Des Sentiments, Decrire Une Personne, Exprimer Le Temps Qu’il Fait, Donner Des Conseils, Exprimer Une Obligation, Demander Une Autorisation Et Donner Des Interdictions, Exprimer Des Souhaits, Grammaire et composition, L'interrogation avec le conditionnel.

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Books related to Basic French Grammar and Composition 2

Basic French Grammar 1

Author: Ifeoma Onyemelukwe

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE101

Topics: French Grammar, Identifier Quelque Chose, Saluer, Se Présenter, Présenter Quelqu’un, Dire Sa Profession, Présenter Sa Journée, Demander Le Prix Et Payer, Donner Une Information Précise Sur Un Événement Passé, Donner Une Information Relative, Demander Une Quantité Spécifiée De Quelque Chose, Demander Une Quantité Spécifiée De Quelque Chose, Donner Des Ordres, Demander Et Indiquer Une Direction

Introduction to composition writing in French

Author: Jummai Lucy Jibrin

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE141

Topics: French composition writing, Sélectionnèrent des détails utilisants un textes, Organisation d’une vision, Bitie village heureux, Expression des sentiments, Analyse des sentiments de quelqu’un, Le Petit villageois, Je suis admis au collège, Sembene Ousmane, L’autodidactee, L’enfance Malheureux, Les sentiments, Rencontre Internet, Rendez-vous avec le bonheur, Présenter un point d’une personnel, Les vitrines de Noel

Creative writing

Author: Iliya John Kim

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE222

Topics: French Creative writing, Donnes Des informations personelles, inviter Quelqu'un, demander ou decrire son chemin, parler de son etat physisque, acheter, commander, demander, parfois si

French Grammar and Composition 2

Author: Olu Akeusola

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE222

Topics: French Grammar, French Composition, La place de la sémantique dans la théorie de la grammaire générative, La catégorisation des significations sémantiques, La signification syntaxico-sémantique : synonymie et antonymie, La signification syntaxico-sémantique, homonymie et polysémie, méronymie et holonymie, hyponymie, hyperonymie et toponymie. La signification morpho-sémantique morphinique de base d’affixation, les préfixes principaux empruntés au Latin, les préfixes empruntés au Grec

French Grammar 2

Author: Olu Akeusola

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE122

Topics: French Grammar, French conjugation groups

Schaums Outline of French Grammar

Author: Mary Coffman Crocker

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE132

Topics: French Grammar, Nouns, articles, Gender Identification, adjectives, adverbs, Prepositions, numbers, dates, time, verbs, interrogative words, constructions, negative words

Structure of Modern English 2

Author: Inyang Udofot

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG122

Topics: Structure of Modern English, English Sentence, Sentence Connection, Subject-Verb Agreement, coordination, Punctuation, English Verb, tense, aspect, voice mood, modal auxiliaries, Grammatical Models, Traditional Grammar, Structural Grammar, Transformational Generative Grammar, Systemic Grammar, Government Grammar, Binding Grammar, Parallelism, Dangling Modifiers, Structural Parallelism, Conjuncts, Disjuncts, Style Disjuncts, Attitudinal Disjuncts, Compound Subjects, Collective Nouns, Intervening Phrases, Contractions, Indefinite Pronouns

Creative writing in French 1

Author: Samson Nzuanke

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE221

Topics: French creative writing, Genres littéraires et Ecriture créative, Les différences entre les genres littéraires, Définitions et caractéristiques de l‟écriture créative, Théories de l‟écriture créative et explication du texte libre et l‟écriture d‟invention, Focalisation en écriture créative, Ecrivain et Style d’écriture, Personnalité et mode de pensée chez les écrivains, Imagination et imagerie mentale chez l‟écrivain, Mettre ses idées sur écrit, Écrire en français langue étrangère, La Langue et l’argumentation, Comment relier des outils de connexion pour argumenter, Comment marquer une opposition ou une restriction en langue française, Orientation des quantificateurs et appréciatifs dans une argumentation

Thinking French Translation Student Book, 2nd edition

Author: Sandor Hervey, Ian Higgins

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE392

Topics: French Translation, French Intralingual translation, French Gist translation, French cultural issue, French Compensation, French Legal translation, French Consumer-oriented translation

Critical appreciation of literature

Author: LI Balogun

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE251

Topics: literature appreciation, Les genres de la littérature, La prose, La poésie, Le théâtre, La littérature française, De la premièreà la quatrième période, Les littératures de langue française, Le dix-septième siècle, Le dix- huitième siècle, Le vingtième siècle, Appréciation des textes littéraires, La période de la négritude, Comment faire le résumé d’une œuvre littéraire, L’appréciation des œuvres littéraires

Advanced studies in oral and written comprehension in French 2

Author: Casimir Houenon

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE202

Topics: French written comprehension, French written comprehension, Compréhension orale, Compréhension écrite, Comprendre le sens des mots, Genres de texte, Comprendre un récit, Comprendre une description, Comprendre un texte argumentatif, Comprendre un texte explicatif, Comprendre un texte injonctif, Comprendre un texte expressif, Comprendre les registres de langue, Comprendre la communication non linguistique, Comprendre les figures de style, Comprendre la formation des mots

Introduction to Syntactic Models

Author: BA Okolo

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG221

Topics: Syntactic Models, language structure, English syntax, syntax analysis, Traditional Grammar, Traditional Grammar critique, Finite State Grammar, Phrase Structure Grammar, lexicon, phonology, syntax, semantics, Syntactic Component, Syntactic Rules, Parts of Speech, parsing, Concatenation, words, words relationship

Oral communication skills French 1

Author: Chris Kuju

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE341

Topics: French Oral communication skills, French Alphabet, Accented French Alphabet, Orthographic Ligature, French Pronunciation Drills, Nasal Sound, French Oral Vowel Sounds, Silent Consonants, Enchaînement consonantique, Enchaînement, Enchaînement vocalique

Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics

Author: John Lyons

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: LIN121

Topics: linguistics, traditional grammar, comparative grammar, modern linguistics, structure of language, paradigmatic relations, syntagmatic relations, statistical structure, phonetics, phonology, grammar, formal grammar, lexicon, grammatical units, sentence, morpheme, word, grammatical structutre, trasformational grammar, grammatical categories, number, gender, case, tense, mood, aspect, parts of speech, grammatical functions, semantics, lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, semantic structure, synonymy, hyponymy, antonymy, universal semantics

Phonetique progressive du Français avec corrigés

Author: Lucile Charliac

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE111

Topics: Le rythme, Les groupes rythmiques, La dernière syllabe du groupe est plus longue, Les syllabes du groupe sont régulières, Les syllabes sont toutes régulières, plusieurs groupes rythmiques, Synthèse rythmique, La musique et l’intonation, La montée de la voix dans les questions, La descente de la voix à la fin des phrases, La montée de la voix quand la phrase n’est pas finie, Synthèse rythmique et mélodique, Les lettres non prononcées, La consonne finale non prononcée, L’élision, L’enchaînement consonantique, La chaîne des mots et la continuité, L’enchaînement vocalique, La liaison

Oral French

Author: Tuesday Owoeye

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE111

Topics: Oral French, Oral vowel sounds, Nasal vowel sounds, semi-vowel sounds, Consonant sounds, French accents, Élision, enchaînement, intonation, French diphthongs, French triphthongs, Pronouncing difficult words, Liaison, élision, monothongs, diphthongs, triphthongs, Telephone conversations, dictation exercises

Textual analysis 2

Author: Tunde Ayeleru, Alani Souleymane

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE132

Topics: French Textual analysis, Une interview, C’est le Mien, La Fête des Mères, Haschich à Rome, A la Recherche d’un Hôtel, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Kérékou, La Cuisine Française, La Maison à Louer, La Pomme, L’Amant, Le Gagnant du Gros Lot Est Mort, Le Manteau du Père Noël, Le Mariage d’un Aveugle, Le Logement, Rêves d’enfance, Robert le Taxi, Spéciale Santé, Un Maître Prestigieux, Une Exploratrice Française

Language and Linguistics

Author: John Lyons

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG304

Topics: Language, Linguistics, Language-behaviour, Language-systems, speech, branches of linguistics, sounds of language, phonic medium, phonetic representation, orthographic representation, articulatory phonetics, phonemes, allophones, suprasegmental phonology, phonological structure, grammar, syntax, inflection, morphology, grammaticality, productivity, parts of speech, form-classes, grammatical categories, generative grammar, sematics, lexical meaning, denotation, grammar, sentence-meaning, utterance-meaning, language-change, historical linguistics, language-families, historicism, structuralism, functionalism, generativism, universal grammar, mentalism, rationalism, innateness, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, accent, dialect, idiolect, vernaculars, bilingualism, code-switching, diglossia, stylistic variation, stylistics, culture, cultural overlap, cultural diffusion, translatability

Textual Analysis practical French 1

Author: Lucy Jummai Jibrin

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE121

Topics: French Textual Analysis, l'article, Les nouns, Les pronoms, Les Adjectifs, Les verbes et leurs functions, les verbes et les phrases, les interjections, Les Noms Pluriels, Noms Composés, Compound Nouns Containing Preposition, Les Adjectifs Demonstratifs, Les Adjectfs Possessifs, Les Adjectifs Interrogatifs, Adjectif Qualificatifs, Les Positions des Adjectifs Qualificatifs, L’accord des adjectifs, adjectives interrogatifs, Adjectifs indefinis, Passé Composé

Introduction to French phonology

Author: Paulin Dipe Alo

School: National Open University of Nigeria

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: FRE231

Topics: French phonology, Phonétique, Phonologie, Morphologie, Description Phonologique des Phonèmes Vocaliques du Français, Description Phonologique des Phonèmes Consonantiques du Français, Distribution Segmentale, Allophones, Distribution Complémentaire, Les Traits Phonologiques, Les Traits Distinctifs, Les Règles Phonologiques, Les Réactions Phonologiques dans la Chaine Parlée, Les Principes De Liaison en Français, Elision, Enchainement en Français, L’accent en Français, L’intonation en Français, La Phonologie Lexicale, La Syllable en Français, L’Assimilation, La Phonologie Générative, Les Tendances Générales en Phonologie

Past Questions related to Basic French Grammar and Composition 2

Introductory English grammar and composition-2008,2009,2011

Year: 2011

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: ENG102

Topics: grammatical name, part of speech

Europe to the French revolution

Year: 2017

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Arts and Humanities

Course Code: HIS131

Topics: French revolution, Greco-Roman civilization, carolingian dynasty, Itallian renaissance, Martin Luther, German revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte

Introduction to Entrepreneurship Studies study questions and answers by Plato modified and reviewed

Year: 2020

School: University of Ilorin

Department: General studies

Course Code: GSE202

Topics: business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, entrepreneur, Motivation, innovation, Laissez Faire


Year: 2012

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: IGB101

Topics: Edemede, asusu, mgbociume, udaume


Year: 2016

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: IGB101

Topics: asusu, oji, nnochiaha, nkwuwa, nkowaaha, ngwaa, njiko, mkpoaha


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: FRN101

Topics: french

French language-2013-2015

Year: 2015

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: FRN102

Topics: french

French 2011&2012

Year: 2012

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: FRN101

Topics: French

Foreign Language French

Year: 2022

School: Air Force Institute of Technology

Department: General studies

Course Code: FRE201

Topics: French


Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta

Department: General studies

Course Code: GNS108

Topics: French

Use of English 2 Tests-2016-2018

Year: 2018

School: Federal University of Technology, Owerri

Department: General studies

Course Code: GST102

Topics: grammar, essay, letters, paragraphing

Dandy English ,3rd edition

Year: 2020




Topics: English, lexis, structure, antonyms, synonyms, idioms, grammar

General chemistry

Year: 2014

School: Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHM101

Topics: law of constant composition, nuclear theory, esterification

Physical Chemistry 1 pre-test by CPMSS,MSSN

Year: 2018

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: CHE156

Topics: bomb calorimeter, electron, constant composition, electron, acid, ideal gas, gas law, pH