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Pudenda Books

Anatomy of the female reproductive tract

Author: LO Omokanye

School: University of Ilorin

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science


Topics: Female Genitalia, Vulva, Pudenda, Ureter, Ovulation, Menstruation, Puberty, Menstrual Disorders, amenorrhea, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Menopause, Climacterium, Fertilization, Implantation, Embryo, Fetus, Pregnancy, Uterus, Vagina, Chadwick’ sign, Hegar’s sign, Prenatal Care, Pregnancy Weight Gain, Cephalic Presentation, Breech Presentation, Fetal Surveillance, Oxytocin Challenge Test, Nonstress Test, Biophysical Profile, External intrapartum assessment, Electronic fetal monitoring, Fetal scalp blood sampling, Fetal acidosis, Color Flow Doppler

Sacral Plexus;Tibial and Common Peroneal nerves

Author: Nto, Nto Johnson

School: University of Nigeria, Nsukka

Department: Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health science

Course Code: ANAT

Topics: lumbosacral trunk, Nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gamelli (L4, 5S1), Nerve to obturator internus and superior gamelli (L5S1, 2), Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (S1, 2, 3), Tibial (sciatic) nerve (L4, 5S1, 2, 3, ), Pudendal nerve (S2, 3, 4), Nerves to levator


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