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Sta342 Books

Demography I

Author: Angela Chukwu

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: STA342

Topics: Demography, Demographic Data, Child Bearing, fertility, Measures of Reproductivity, Reproductivity, life table, Mortality Data, Measures of Migration

Introduction to the mathematics of population

Author: Nathan Keyfitz

School: University of Ibadan

Department: Science and Technology

Course Code: STA342

Topics: population, stationary population model, recurrence equations, population projection, projection matrix, life tables, continous analysis, renewal equation, laplace transform, demographic variables, population time series, interpolation, graduation, finite approximation, population explosion, marriage model, probability models, life table functions, fertility functions, birth process, death process, sex ratio, population distribution, individual behavior, branching theory, population model, mathematical demography, future population, life table


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