5 Proven Copywriting Tricks That Sell Like Crazy


1. Use Attention grabbing Headlines

We live in a World where everyone is distracted. As you're reading this, you're probably getting notifications from several platforms and maybe listening to music or people talking nearby.

That's how it is for most people. So the first thing they see in your Copy - Your headline must Grab their attention and get them to STOP to read the rest of your copy. 

The best copywriter in the world cannot save a very Lit Copy with a Dull headline because you won't get to Pull attention to that lit copy and you will notice that nothing will happen after days of posting that Ad. 

2. A great sales copy must make a promise, draw a picture, prove its claims, and push the prospect into a buying decision. 

3. Write Like You Speak

Conversational writing is one secret way of writing a sales copy that actually converts because it appeals to the reader and is more relateable. The reader feels closer to you, like you're having a conversation in front of him/her. 

4. Tell your reader about the Benefits

Show them the benefits that they would gain from keying into what you're offering.

Nope, 1 benefit is not enough, 2 isn't either. Pepper them with as many "quality" benefits as you can. Benefits that they are would be very relevant to them. Your benefits are like Beautiful served dishes in an event, it should make their mouths water. 

5. Have a specific call to action

Okay what do they do when they are interested in what you're offering? Don't just drop your contact there, Tell them EXACTLY what to do. 

Read also : 9 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became A Copywriter.

People love to be told what to do even though they may have an idea, but they want you to tell them.

So tell them - eg, Click this link to Sign up Now. 


Tags: Copywriting,copywriter

Author : Kekeocha Justin

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